Art'N'Soul is a night I started @ the Voo Doo Lounge last year featuring live art and music. Lately I have been bringing in a 1/4 pipe skateboard ramp (with the help from my bud Aron 'Arrow' Arno and his strong back,stronger language and big truck.) Local skater/artist 'Noggin' gets a crew together to shred-rip it and I named 'em 'NOGS DOGS' cuz they are the gnar skate dogs from the downtown SJ area. I book the artists and entertainment for the night and try to keep it skate related. If I can, I get a new skateboard video in on the night too, so we can have fun all night long.
So the next Art'N'Soul is titled 'Modern Living' as a tip of the hat to San Jose Mod legends, THE ODD NUMBERS. The music of the band goes back to The New Deal and Santa Cruz skateboard videos from the early nineties and was heard around the world touching many skaters ears and hearts.
Two of the skaters the music mesmerized are NILTON NEVES (Santa Cruz Skateboards) and ZAROSH EGGLESTON (Platypus Skateboards). Nilton heard the music in Sao Paulo,Brazil and Zarosh enjoyed it in Monterey,California. I had an idea of putting all of these talented people under one roof for one night of skateboarding, live art and skating by Zarosh, a self portrait photo display by Brazilian Nilton Neves (plus a dj set and skating!!), dee jay sets by myself Ray Stevens II/ DJ RS2 and DJ COCO (Calm'n'Punk) and as a special treat a screening of the new Emerica skate video STAY GOLD. (vid starts @ 9!!)
The Voo Doo is cool to let me do this fun night once a month, please come check it out and enjoy some San Jose/worldwide skate/music/art culture!
Wednesday September 29th 21 and over 5 bux SAN JOSE!!!!!