Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Zarosh? Oh Zarosh.
click the link below for a 20 minute video profile:
Check out Zarosh's boards making and park building site here:
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Lavoi Action Video
My finishing editor Jeremey and his wife Abbey put together this solid video piece on the Rough Neck Hardware crew bombing down the backside of 9th Avenue. Check it out!
Monday, December 14, 2009
A. Jones footage
As I was making the Supercharged / Tim Brauch documentary I went out and shot hours of bird footage. Because Tim was an avid bird watcher, I thought I could intercut birds in the film. I only ended up using about 5 seconds of bird footage, but I captured some amazing shots.
I had noticed a hawk that would sit directly in front of my living room window on a light pole. He would would hunt by flying about 200 feet up and search for food. So one day I came home and saw the hawk up in the air searching rite above my house and ran inside and grabbed my camera. Set up rite in front of my door and started shooting. The hawk immediately started diving from the high altitude with its tallons out and ready to attack something. So I picked up my tripod and started running to the spot where the hawk was heading and as I was running I noticed another guy with a big camera rig running beside me, we looked at each other with surprise and headed to the hawk's attack zone. We both set up and started shooting the bird with its catch of a ground hog. And we talked for a while. I told him about Tim's film and he told me about his bird photography website.
Heres the site:"> , it's really got some great bird photos from SF. -PKHere is the footage of the hawk just after it grabbed the ground hog from the dune on the Great Highway.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Bonus footage coming soon.
just yesturday I was in San Jose visiting the key figures in the Supercharged film and we agreed to have an Brauch art show and video party in 2010. I will be showing all the bonus footage for the DVD, Aaron Jones will be pulling some footage out from his archives, Lance and Jai will be framing some solid Brauch photos as well. That should be something special.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Feedback from the San Diego premiere
i just wanted to thank you for putting out the tim brauch documentry.
i found it very inspiring and consider my self lucky to have gone to the premier of such a wonderful
-Julian K.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Supercharged Custom Models on sale now. $200

Or go visit Circle A skate shop in downtown San Jose to purchase your Supercharged deck.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Supercharged feedback of the day.
Wow! For a guy who was here for such a short period of time, he really seemed to reach out to many people and touch their lives. You did an incredible job of conveying that, as well as what an incredible skater he was. Congratulations of a f#!@* tremendous film. His parents must have been extremely touched and proud to see such an amazing recapturing of their sons life and what people thought of him.
Great film!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Supercharged San Diego Saturday Dec.5th
From the presses of Zarosh's basement.....
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Feed back of the day!
Good job...Tim was everything to me as you show in the film...he made me feel special when we talked or had dinner...just like he treated everyone else...I do try to emulate him and my uncle Bob...those two are two of my favorite people in the world ever!! both great role models...peace
Supercharged feedback...
Thanks so much for the DVD. I came home from practice and watched it. So awesome!!! I feel so proud to be part of this. Tim was an inspiration to us in the early 90s in England. You did such a great job!Thanks for using our tunes.... So stoked!!! Lemme know if there's anything I can help you with man!! Cheers timxx (the Young Offenders)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Octobers OC Register news article on Supercharged
Free tacos at premiere of skateboard legend's movie
Tim Brauch, an Etnies team skater, is remembered in 'Super Charged.'
LAKE FOREST – Etnies will host the So Cal premiere of "Super Charged" – a movie dedicated to skateboard legend and Etnies Team rider Tim Brauch.
Brauch – a street-style skater – turned his childhood passion into the life of a champion.
On Friday Etnies will show Super Charged," – a documentary on the life and times of the late Etnies team rider. The free movie screening will be held outside at Sole Technology at 20161 Windrow Dr. in Lake Forest. If there rain the movie will be shown inside. There will be free tacos and drinks starting 6:30 p.m.
Brauch, from San Jose, skated for Etnies in the mid 1990's. He died in 1999 at age 25 from congenital heart failure.
He left behind a legacy in skateboarding, and in 2004 he was featured in the traveling Smithsonian Exhibit Sports: Breaking Records, Breaking Barriers which toured from October 2004 to December 2007 across the United States also featuring Hank Aaron,Michael Jordan, Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali and Lance Armstrong.
Don Brown, senior vice president of marketing for Etnies, calls Brauch a perfect ambassador and inspiration for the sport of skateboarding.
"Tim's legacy is that he lived life to the fullest and was the best friend anyone could ask for," said Brown. "Tim created positive energy in every situation, skated harder, faster and more stylishly than anyone. He traveled the world skateboarding and left a good vibe with everyone he met."
Mark Waters, events group manager for Etnies, is also featured in "Super Charged" and spent a lot of time with Brauch and his family. Here is what he says about Brauch.
Q. How did he get his break into the industry?
A. Skating at a Sessions demo in San Jose — he asked the guys in charge if he could skate the demo and caught their eye. Sessions was his first sponsor and he quickly got on New Deal not long afterwards.
Q. What is the least known thing about him?
A. Tim was also an amazing guitar player and had a great ear for music. Tim was good at all sports — he'd constantly surprise his friends, even dorking around with a soccer ball, football or whatever, it was easy to see he was adept at lots of physical activities.
Perhaps one thing that only close friends knew that wasn't ever made public in any interviews or videos during his life was that Tim was an experienced bird watcher. Tim loved birds and studied them, and could identify all sorts of birds easily. He made more than a few of his friends laugh by calling out birds, even just passing by them in a car: "No way, there's a great blue heron!"
Q. How would he compare to skaters now?
A. Tim didn't compare well to skaters even during his time — his style and trick selection were unique, and the way he combined tricks was unlike anyone before or since. Tim was skating everything well with a powerhouse, charge-through-everything style throughout the mid-90s, as that style has become very fashionable in skateboarding today. If Tim were still skating today, he would be very much in the same position as the best of his peers: still ripping, still relevant, and still having fun on his skateboard.
Q. What message does the movie want audiences to leave with?
A. The movie is the story of a Tim's life, with skateboarding and its coincidental adventures as a central and common device. The message is that Tim lived life in an admirable way, touched a lot of lives in positive ways, and left a bright mark on everything he was involved in.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Upcoming Supercharged screenings.

Next Stop for Supercharged:
Houston TEXAS- Friday November 6th @ Southside Skatepark. Starts @ 8:30 $4 entry.
Milan Italy Saturday November 21st @ Bastard Skate Shop. Details
Monday, October 19, 2009
A few random photos from the weekend premieres
photographs from Supercharged Lake Forest premiere
Supercharged quote of the day.
The “Super Charged” film is a great tribute to Tim’s life! NICE WORK! -Ashton
OC Register
Here's a segment from the Orange County Register Newspaper.
A huge thanks to Etnies for making the SoCal Premiere a night to remember.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Supercharged Lake Forest @ Etnies
The night earlier, Friday night Etnies hosted 'Supercharged' at the training facility private skate park which Mark Waters opened up for the hoards of kids that showed up for the movie premiere, free tacos and Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Etnies really took the event to the max , and everyone who came out was not disappointed.
thanks Etnies, Navarett, & SoCal!!!!!